Company is sketchy
Hi, im in the year 2020 and would like to say they wanted me to commit $500-$3000 before i even could start working for them. Their target audience for customers is definitely more towards wealthy people who can even afford the expensive products. All the employees know each other directly or indirectly too like some pyramid scheme or cult. Also, while their tone in voice is nice, their words to me as a possible recruit were unprofessional, telling me that only people who seriously want to provide for their families should join and that i essentially don't care about them enough if i turn down the job offer which, keep in mind, starts with me paying them to have me work for them (how backwards and contradictory) even though they can't even guarantee i will be successful and earn more money than what i spent. The company has existed for almost 10 years but i hadn't heard of them ever until my friend who is a part of this sketchy company as a new recruit told me to join some call without prefacing anything. The company has something they're hiding because they can't even be open about what and who they are on their own website. The company size is unknown, their actual impact and relevance to the public is unknown, the employees and staff are unknown. Overall, the company has some terrible issues. I haven't tried the products but regardless of whether or not they work, the company is sketchy.